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Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture | Cylinder Comfort: Leather-Wrapped Rolls for Luxurious Seating - - chiuchiufurniture

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Zylinderkomfort: Lederummantelte Rollen für luxuriöses Sitzen


Customization available

We can customize the product according to your needs, you can change: material, size

Production time is 45 days

Delivery time depends on your location

Dieser Stuhl kombiniert auf einzigartige Weise Vintage- und moderne Stile und ist von avantgardistischen italienischen Möbeln aus der Mitte des Jahrhunderts und modernen schwebenden Sofas inspiriert. Er verfügt über zylindrische Kissen, die mit strapazierfähigem schwarzem Leder bezogen sind und so angeordnet sind, dass sie eine trommelartige Sitzfläche bilden. Abgerundetes Acryl an den Seiten sorgt für einen optischen Schwebeeffekt. Das minimalistische, schmutzabweisende schwarze Leder macht ihn zu einer vielseitigen Ergänzung für jeden Raum und spiegelt seinen unverwechselbaren Charakter wider.

Zylinderkomfort: Lederummantelte Rollen für luxuriöses Sitzen
Zylinderkomfort: Lederummantelte Rollen für luxuriöses Sitzen Angebot$989.00

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