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Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture | Perfect Blend of Carbon and Glass Fibers - Innovative Craftsmanship of - chiuchiufurniture

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Perfekte Mischung aus Carbon- und Glasfasern – Innovative Verarbeitung des Ufo-Stuhls


Customization available

We can customize the product according to your needs, you can change: material, size

Production time is 45 days

Delivery time depends on your location

Das Ufo ist so konzipiert, dass es sich der menschlichen Form anpasst, und seine Konstruktion ist in Bezug auf Technologie, Qualität und Ästhetik erstklassig. Das einzigartige Merkmal dieses Stuhls ist sein handgefertigter Schalenteil, der komplexe Produktionsprozesse unter Verwendung modernster Technologien umfasst. Die gesamte Struktur besteht vollständig aus Glasfaser oder Kohlefaser, was das Ufo sowohl stark als auch leicht macht, da Kohlefaser etwa dreimal so hart ist wie Stahl und Aluminium. Die Materialauswahl, das außergewöhnliche Design und die Betonung der handgefertigten Ästhetik machen das Ufo zu einem wirklich einzigartigen und unvergleichlichen Gegenstand.

Perfekte Mischung aus Carbon- und Glasfasern – Innovative Verarbeitung des Ufo-Stuhls
Perfekte Mischung aus Carbon- und Glasfasern – Innovative Verarbeitung des Ufo-Stuhls Angebot$1,605.00

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