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Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture | Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa - chiuchiufurniture

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Leichtes, luxuriöses Sofa aus geräuchertem Ahorn und Nussbaumholz, gepolstert, für Wohnzimmer, Hotel, Sofa-Set W016SF1B Bentley Sofa


About Membership Services
Customization available

We can customize the product according to your needs, you can change: material, size

Production time is 45 days

Delivery time depends on your location

30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Möbelproduktion und im Möbeldesign sowie hochwertige italienische Fertigungsstandards, um Ihnen das luxuriöseste Wohnerlebnis zu bieten.

Egal woher Sie kommen, wir haben einen Vertriebsleiter, der sich ausschließlich um Sie kümmert. Von der Produkteinführung über die Auswahl bis hin zur individuellen Gestaltung des gesamten Hauses usw. können Sie Ihren Möbelkauf aus einer Hand erledigen.

Professionelles Innenarchitekturteam , das Ihnen bei der Gestaltung der optimalen Lösung zur Verbesserung Ihres Zuhauses hilft.

Unsere Produkte werden in 65 Ländern verkauft . Kontaktieren Sie uns, um die besten Luxusmöbel für Ihr Zuhause zu finden.


Äußere Armlehne, Vorder- und Rückseite des Fahrgestells: BLS-LGT003
Zierleisten: Metallstreifen (Silber)
Activity-Tasche vorne, Satteltasche: WP-B102
Rückseite der Rückenlehne, Vorderseite der Rückenlehne, Oberseite der Armlehne: WP-C102
Innenseite der Armlehne: WP-C102 (Zwischenbaumwollstickerei 4×4 Quadrate)
(Kissen: 2 quadratische Kissen, 1 optionales Lendenkissen, die Liste ist beigefügt)


Dieses Sofa verkörpert die ultimative Designphilosophie von Komfort und Harmonie. Die Handwerkskunst der Schale spiegelt sich in der Wahl des Holzmaterials wider, dem sein Ruf und seine Anerkennung zu verdanken sind. Die Schale des Sofas umgibt seine elegant geschwungene Kontur mit subtilen Änderungen in Winkel und Form und betont so sein natürliches, fließendes, konisches Erscheinungsbild.

Jedes Stück ist auf das Sitzgefühl ausgelegt, egal ob Sofa oder Sessel, ausgestattet mit weichem Stoff oder hochstrukturiertem Lederbezug, was ein unvergleichliches Komforterlebnis bietet. Ausgewählte Oberflächen aus geräuchertem Ahorn und Wurzelnuss verleihen jedem Möbelstück nicht nur eine einzigartige Textur und Farbe, sondern bringen auch Wärme und Luxus in den Innenraum.

Light Luxury style Smoked maple and Burr Walnut upholstered sofa Living Room Hotel set sofa W016SF1B Bentley NEWENT Sofa W
Leichtes, luxuriöses Sofa aus geräuchertem Ahorn und Nussbaumholz, gepolstert, für Wohnzimmer, Hotel, Sofa-Set W016SF1B Bentley Sofa Angebot$3,600.00

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